Rental Relief Application

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For multi tenant households each tenant must complete a separate application and the household will be assessed accordingly. Please note that incomplete applications cannot be processed. Your application must be complete in order for it to be processed. You need to supply evidence that your household is Covid-19 impacted.

A household is COVID-19 impacted if:

  • One or more rent-paying members of a household have lost income (or had a reduction in income) due to measures taken by any State, Territory or the Commonwealth in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (for example, COVID-19 business closures or stand-downs); or
  • One or more rent-paying members of a household have had to stop working or reduce work hours due to illness with COVID-19 or to care for a family member who is ill with COVID-19; and

On or after 12 August 2021:

  • The household’s or individual household member’s gross weekly income is 20% less than their income before it was stopped or reduced; or
  • A rent-paying household member has lost 8 hours of work or more.

Alternatively, a household is also impacted if a member of the household became eligible for the Commonwealth Disaster Payment or the ACT Government Small Business Grant on or after 12 August 2021.

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Please indicate the total income you receive, including wages and govt financial assistance,  including base payments, bonus payments, rent assistance, family payments etc per fortnight

To add multiple files, please select them all at once.
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Type of Rental Relief

Please indicate what type of rental relief you are requesting.  Please complete one of the following items